Monday, April 20, 2009


So it looks like, through some amazing at of God, that not only will I get to visit Venice during the last weekend in May, but ALICIA AND ERIN WILL BE THERE WITH ME!!

I cannot express how excited I am to not only see them, but to be reunited in Italy of all places!

The timing worked out so incredibly. Alicia is going back to the States at the end of June, and her job in Paris ends at the end of May. She was already planning a trip around Italy in June and we were able to get Erin on board! Thanks to her awesome Mom and boss, as well.

I hope the trip works out timing-wise, because we'll definitely be busy over there getting ready for the film. Reading through the script again, I am reminded of how many locations we have! It's intimidating. But fortunate in the way of not being "stuck" filming in one place - we'll definitely get to see a ton, it seems.

I also hope that Erin and Alicia's itinerary works out so I can meet them wherever they'll be the first weekend in June. I am secretly hoping it's Rome! ;)

I'm also trying to figure out other weekend trips I may be able to squeeze in. My first priority is Greece (probably Athens since it's easiest to get to) and the other is the beaches in the south of France. It would also be great to take a train to Austria or Switzerland, but I think two outside trips plus smaller trips within Italy and to the beach are maybe all I'll have the time and energy for. We'll see!

In other semi-related news, I was able to find a sublease for May! The good news just keeps on rolling in...

Countdown: Italy in 3 weeks!

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